Complete or full dentures are the last option for restoring teeth at Gulfside Dental. We try to avoid getting to this point, but unfortunately it happens. Complete dentures involve removing all of the teeth by a dentist in the arch where needed. A denture is a piece of plastic that fits over the remaining tissues & bone of the arch. It can feel bulky, reduce ability to taste & cause excess saliva. People who have gag reflexes can sometimes have difficulty getting accustomed to a complete upper denture. Generally if a patient needs an upper & lower full denture we discuss the need to change chewing patterns & neuromuscular control, which is the only true way to keep a lower denture in place.
The feeling of bulkiness and the discomfort involved with having full dentures should fade over time. If you experience sore spots, discomfort, or pain in your mouth it is possible that you may need a slight adjustment by a dentist. Increased saliva, minor irritation, and soreness can diminish on their own as your mouth gets used to wearing dentures.
How Long is the Process for Full Dentures?
Generally healing time is required between extractions & making permanent dentures. In some situations we do a transitional denture, which serves as a temporary until healing has finished & we can then proceed with a better prosthesis. After extractions, it is normal for the transitional denture to get loose & tight & change the way it feels entirely, this is normal as the bone heals. After bone healing, which can take up to 9 months to complete, we start on the denture we can take our time with & make exactly how the patient wants. Your full dentures are always custom made for you. Custom impressions and measurements of your jaw are taken at Gulfside Dental to create a model of your custom set of dentures. Using this model, you will “test drive” the fit of the cast in your mouth, letting us make small but necessary adjustments to make your new pair of dentures as comfortable as possible. Once the proper fit is found, your real set of dentures is made along with any final adjustments being made for your comfort.
Getting Used to Your Dentures
Learning to chew and eat with dentures may take some practice and patience. It may feel uncomfortable to some people in the first couple weeks but will gradually fade over time. The best way to get comfortable eating with dentures is to start with soft, small foodstuff using both sides of your mouth to chew. Adding new food to your diet is just a matter of your comfort level with your dentures. Avoid chewing gum, hard and sticky foods while you wear dentures.
Using Adhesive With Your Dentures
Adhesives can be put to best use with dentures that are already fitting to your satisfaction. Adhesive can enhance stability, bite force, and will make your dentures more stable overall when used properly. Adhesive can be beneficial to patients who have a dry mouth, where a lack of saliva can make a denture uncomfortable or loose.
Denture adhesives should not be used as a quick fix to improperly fitting dentures. Forcing ill-fitting or loose dentures to adhere to your mouth leads to a greater risk of sores developing. If this occurs, contact your dentist for an evaluation to fix the problem.
If your dentures fit properly with no discomfort, but you want additional stability and confidence in them, adhesives can be a good choice for you. Use small amounts at first, gradually finding the minimum amount that makes your dentures feel secure while limiting the chances of overloading your mouth and dentures with adhesive. Denture adhesives are safe when you follow the instructions of your dentist or the instructions on the adhesive packaging. Keep in mind: denture adhesive when used improperly on ill-fitting dentures can cause bone loss.
Questions about Dentures? Gulfside Dental Can Help!
It is important to always thoroughly clean dentures before placing them in your mouth. For any questions, concerns, or dental care don’t hesitate to call Gulfside Dental, your preferred Naples dentist, at (239) 774-3017